How is Dry Eye Diagnosed?

Symptoms such as itching, sensitivity to light, and watering eyes affect most of us occasionally, especially in dry or windy air. For some people, dry eye is an ongoing problem that affects their quality of life. Diagnosing the cause of your dry eye is the first step to treating it, letting you enjoy life without dry eye symptoms. 

What Causes Dry Eye?

Many factors contribute to dry eye. These include allergies, irritants, and autoimmune conditions that can make your eyes dry. One of the most common factors affecting over 80% of people with dry eye is Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD). These glands produce an oil called meibum, a vital component of your tears. Without it, tears evaporate too quickly and leave your eyes dry and itchy. 

Dry Eyes Edmonton & Northern Alberta

How is Dry Eye Diagnosed?

Dry eye diagnosis begins with your eye doctor taking a complete medical history and then performing an eye exam. During this exam, they may include a test where a dye is applied to the surface of your eye to track how your tears spread out and how long they last. Tears that break up quickly are a sign that they are missing an important component. Other tests can be used to determine which component of your tears is missing and how to correct this issue. 

How is Dry Eye Treated?

Dry eye can be treated with many different methods. The most common treatments include artificial tears, followed by medicated eye drops. Environmental changes, such as avoiding dry air, using humidifiers, and avoiding allergens, can also improve your symptoms. 

LipiFlow® is one of the most effective dry eye treatments available. This non-invasive treatment is used to unblock Meibomian glands, restoring their function. As a result, your eyes produce normal tears that provide the lubrication and protection they need to feel comfortable. LipiFlow® allows many people to reduce or eliminate their need for eye drops. 

Request a Consultation

We’d love to help you get all the information you need in order to make the best choice for your eyes. Request a consultation today! Our staff is available and happy to answer your every question.

How Does LipiFlow® Work for Dry Eye?

Meibomian glands are found along the edges of the eyelids, and they can become blocked, leading to dysfunctional tears. LipiFlow® uses a sterile one-use applicator tip to provide a combination of warmth and massage to loosen and remove the material blocking the glands. Treatment lasts ten to fifteen minutes per eye, and you will feel no discomfort. The glands can resume their normal function, leading to improved tears and reduced dry eye symptoms. 

Is There Any Downtime After LipiFlow® Dry Eye Treatment?

LipiFlow® is a gentle, non-invasive treatment that does not require any downtime. You can return to your usual activities immediately. Most people start to see relief within a few weeks as the glands become more active. After LipiFlow®, you may not need eye drops anymore, or you may need them less often. 

Great staff, excellent service, very clean and Covid aware, professional in all aspects. THANK YOU.
Jopie B.

Take the Next Step

To learn more about dry eye, please schedule your consultation by either filling out the form on this page or by calling (780) 452-4111. We look forward to helping you!

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